Physiotherapy Exercises

NHS approved physio exercises and rehab exercises you can do at home or in the gym.


Physiotherapy exercises are an effective way to improve and prevent conditions affecting the joints, muscles, and soft tissues. People of all ages can benefit from targeted physio exercises to relieve their painful symptoms caused by injury, illness and disability.

If you are struggling with an injury or painful condition that affects your daily life, don’t just cover it up with painkillers, treat the pain at its source. Physiotherapy is a fundamental part of NHS treatment, and most of the time is the best thing you can do to resolve your problem.

Whilst it’s important that you see a physiotherapist for personalised treatment, there are some physio exercises you can do at home in the meantime to relieve your pain and strengthen weakened areas.

How does physiotherapy exercise help my pain?

If you are suffering from mild to chronic pain affecting any part of your body, it can usually be resolved with simple, non-invasive treatments and guided physio exercise. Our targeted exercises are designed to help a number of conditions, which not only relieve pain but help to improve mobility and function as a whole. 

Many people do not realise that the majority of musculoskeletal conditions are caused by muscle weakness, so by using exercise to strengthen the affected body part, you can actually improve your condition and prevent it from recurrence in the future. 


Strong, healthy muscles are important for our mobility, our posture, our overall health and to practice our favourite sports and activities. Successful physiotherapy treatment involves targeted strengthening exercises that work to improve your muscle condition, especially around your problematic area. This includes weight training, stretches and movement which help to lengthen and loosen muscles, ultimately increasing your strength and range of motion.

Most of the strengthening exercises can be performed at home, and our physiotherapists can guide you through a home programme for you to follow as part of your treatment.


Our physiotherapists and sports therapists will often use exercise as a treatment technique to relieve pain and increase mobility. If you would like to try some at home, we have a few easy to follow exercises for your ankle & foot pain, back pain, elbow pain, hand & wrist pain, hip & groin pain, knee pain, neck pain and shoulder pain.

Find out what exercises will help you to reach your rehabilitation goals from your physical therapist or sports therapist, or book an appointment with one of our specialists today.

Below you will find NHS approved, high-quality video content categorised by different areas of the body. All videos and instructions have been performed and reviewed by our physiotherapy experts to ensure the best physio delivery.


Physiotherapy is not solely exercise-based. Physiotherapy involves several practices to overcome injury, alleviate pain and increase the overall quality of life. Physiotherapists use a range of techniques to rebuild strength and mobility, which in turn reduces pain and inflammation and prevents the issue from happening again. Generally speaking, these practices fall into one of three categories:

Movement (exercise)

Prescribed exercises that are designed to improve and strengthen your problem area, improve your biomechanics and allow you to safely return to physical activity. These exercises are not generalised but instead chosen specifically around your individual condition and the cause of your pain.

Manual physiotherapy 

Physiotherapists use their hands and special techniques to manipulate the body tissue in a way that is designed to relieve pain, improve circulation and reduce tension in areas of the body.


Our physios are a great source of education and advice and can provide you with expert insight into your lifestyle habits, exercise, and postural habits. Along with hands-on treatment, they can give you some great tips that you can use in your everyday life, which will not only improve your condition but your overall well being.

We have an extensive understanding of how the body works, which is why we know it is important to consider the body as a whole, rather than just focusing on the individual aspect of an injury or illness.


Although our exercise demonstration library can help you to an extent, they do not take into consideration all of the aspects of your individual condition. When you seek professional assistance with us, your treatment programme will be unique to you and cover all of your particular needs.


Our team of Chartered physiotherapists use a combination of in-depth knowledge of the body and how it works with specialised hands-on clinical skill. Depending on your injury or illness, the root cause of the pain and your current health condition, we will devise a plan that is not only effective but delivered at your own pace.

Here’s what to expect…

  • Your physiotherapist will learn about your medical history, carry out a physical assessment and diagnose your condition during your initial consultation.
  • Your physiotherapists will then design a treatment plan which may involve a combination of physiotherapy, sports massage, hydrotherapy, acupuncture, dry needling, reflexology, biomechanics and gait analysis. It may just involve an ‘at home physio exercise programme’.
  • You will be prescribed a course of exercises and practices to carry out at home on a regular basis to aid with the healing, rehabilitation and prevention.

Whether you are dealing with a chronic illness, a sports injury or another health concern that is causing you pain and distress, the team at Response Physio have the knowledge and expertise to help.

Book an appointment with your local clinic by giving us a call on 0330 024 1377, or visit our secure online booking portal.


We recommend that you seek advice from a physiotherapist or healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regime. If any of these exercises worsen your pain, please seek urgent medical advice.

Couldn't find a physio exercise video for your condition?

Visit our YouTube page and social media pages for more videos or view all the conditions we treat by clicking the link below

Conditions we Treat