What is Sports Injuries & Sports Movement Analysis?
Sports injuries are injuries that occur when engaging in sports or exercise. They can occur due to overuse or overtraining, lack of conditioning or improper form or technique.
Sports movement analysis is the review of technique and understanding the stresses and strains placed on an area when participating in a particular sport. This allows us to assess where injuries may need technique change or help from the equipment as part of the rehabilitation process.
What sports injuries
can physiotheraphy help?
The most common sports injuries we treat are sprains, strains, knee injuries, swollen muscles, Achilles tendon rupture, fractures, dislocations and rotator cuff injuries. Your physiotherapist may perform sports taping (k taping) to improve your mobility and provide support to the muscles, joints and tendons.
We offer a movement analysis service for sports such as Rugby, Football, Skiing, Golf, Swimming and Tennis to help reduce the risk of injury, enhance performance and improve your ability to self-manage. For advice and tips, follow us on social media and subscribe to our Youtube channel.
Ankle and Foot Pain
Back Pain
Elbow Pain
Hand and Wrist Pain
Hip and Groin Pain
Knee Pain
Neck Pain
Shoulder Pain